How To Have A Fresh Virginia That No Man Can Resist
How To Have A Fresh Virginia That No Man Can Resist
Keeping your va.gina healthy is a very important part of being a woman. Not only will a healthy va.gina keep you from catching infections and often deadly diseases, it also keeps your va.gina looking and smelling nice. What man wouldn’t want to go down on that? These foods are responsible for maintaining optimal va.gina health.
1. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are filled with Vitamin A, that contributes to making the uterine walls super strong, as well as encouraging the production of hormones that help you stay energised and awake. vagina
2. Garlic
Garlic might make your breath stink, but it’s great for your lady-bits because raw cloves contain loads of antimicrobial and antifungal properties that help prevent va.ginal problems – such as itching, burning, odor, va.ginal discharge and even UTIs.
3. Yoghurt
Yoghurt contains live and active cultures (good types of bacteria, basically) that prevent disease-causing organisms from attaching to the va.gina and produce chemicals like lactic acid that inactivate or kill other infection-causing organisms. It also helps maintain healthy pH levels in the body.
4. Fruits and Veggies
It’s also good to have fruits or vegetables high in natural sugars; pineapples, celery, red grapes, cranberry juice, watermelon and lots of water will have your natural juices tasting sweet and fresh. Generally, these foods will take effect within a few hours of consumption. sex
5. Pepper
They contain capsaicin, which improves blood circulation and stimulates nerve endings. That’s good for arousal.
6. Dark Chocolate
This is a great source of antioxidants and women who eat at least a square a day report increased desire and better overall sexual function. Chocolate is also rich in magnesium (which soothes nerves), methylxanthines (boosts li.bido) and phenylalanine, an amino acid that produces dopamine (the feel-good chemical).
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